Category: 2022 ENG – Press releases

Press Release – After the criminal complaint of BOSS in order to prevent election fraud and vote theft, the Prosecutor's Office of Bosnia and Herzegovina organized an extraordinary meeting to ensure the legality of the 2022 General Elections

After on August 19 2022 the president of BOSS Mirnes Ajanović, submitted criminal charges to all prosecutors’ offices in BiH, SIPA and FUP with a request to conduct special investigative actions with the aim...

Press release – Unlike domestic politicians, embassies in BiH respect human rights and the ruling of the Constitutional Court of BiH against discriminatory covid measures

After the announcement of one of the embassies in BiH that they will apply discriminatory covid measures to employees, including BiH citizens, and act differently based on vaccination status, BOSS warned that the epidemiological...

Press release on the occasion of BOSS's request to determine the vaccination status of the deceased and for the authorities to officially and statistically answer whether the citizens who died of sudden death were vaccinated against covid and whether pensioners whose mortality increased in for the last year

After the re-announcement of the introduction of the so-called epidemiological measures, recommendations for the fourth dose of vaccines and the information that, according to statistical data, 12,000 more pensioners died in Croatia compared to...

Press Release regarding the decision to turn the voting booths towards the members of the polling station committee and the appeal for the introduction of the scanner of ballot papers for the purpose of preventing election theft

BOSS President Mirnes Ajanović welcomes the decision of the BiH Central Election Commission to introduce technical innovations in the Rulebook on Elections, and especially to turn voting booths towards polling station members and observers,...