On the occasion of welcoming the diplomatic offensive of the USA and the EU on the issue of the Election Law of Bosnia and Herzegovina

The diplomatic offensive of the US Special Representative for the Western Balkans Matthew Palmer and the executive director of the European External Action Service Angelina Eichhorst with the aim of amending the BiH Election Law must not focus on the election of BiH Presidency members and national legitimacy. We appeal to the representatives of America and Europe to twist hands of domestic politicians in order to force technical changes to the Election Law that will prevent electoral fraud. Action must be taken to prevent electoral fraud and ensure the legality of elections, not the retrograde legitimacy of peoples, so America and Europe must not fall into the trap of nationalist rule and confused opposition by addressing the issue of constituent peoples because it is contrary to the democratic state principles, advocated by the international community.

Politicians and parties who regularly committed election fraud will again steal citizens constitutional right to a valid vote if the adoption of technical amendments to the Election Law is not imposed – ie scanning of ballots immediately after voting, video surveillance and increasing control and responsibility of observers, and other  proposals of CIK BiH. The vital national interest, in the technical issues of protection of the legality of elections, is not important and it is extremely worrying that no one from the position or the so-called  opposition from the Federation of BiH does not seek protection of the voice of citizens by preventing election fraud, which indicates a dangerous intention that nationalists and fake social democrats and their allies intend to continue election fraud.

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