Press Release on the occasion of the arrogant passivity of the oposition parties in the Federation of BiH and the opposition boycott of the veterans gathering in Banja Luka which is the first concrete defeat and the beginning of the fall of Milorad Dodik and SNSD

The opposition boycott of the  veterans gathering, formally organized by the Veterans Organization of Republika Srpska in Banja Luka, is the first concrete defeat and the beginning of the fall of Milorad Dodik and the SNSD. The united refusal of the political opposition to attend the abuse of veterans by the authorities is a precedent in the political life of Bosnia and Herzegovina, because this time the opposition political parties rejected Dodik's game of false protection of citizens interests, whose goal is actually only the protection of personal-party interests, pointed out the president of BOSS, Mirnes Ajanović.

The SNSD again tried to use the political story of the protection of the interests of the RS entity for “all-Serbian” political support for Milorad Dodik, however, this time by denying support to the Dodik, the opposition bravely opposed the sold veterans representatives and turned Dodik's celebration into a defeat, especially due to threats from the gathering addressed to the High Representative in BiH.

The concrete opposition to the authorities by the opposition in the Republika Srpska additionally proves the cowardice of the silent and sterile opposition in the Federation of BiH, which neither has the political courage to change the political paradigm, nor is interested in it due to preoccupation with spending cantonal and local budgets and calculations of how to retain the acquired positions of any authority.

The arrogant passivity of the federal opposition, which is equal to betrayal and an attempt not to offend anyone, and especially the abuse of veterans organizations, not even the courteous condemnation of the authorities when fighters were beaten in September 2018 with police dogs and war poisons – suits Bakir Izetbegović and SDA best, to keep power with the SNSD and HDZ and continue with the ethno-national confrontation of the citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina, warned the president of BOSS, Mirnes Ajanović.

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