Press Release regarding the decision to turn the voting booths towards the members of the polling station committee and the appeal for the introduction of the scanner of ballot papers for the purpose of preventing election theft

BOSS President Mirnes Ajanović welcomes the decision of the BiH Central Election Commission to introduce technical innovations in the Rulebook on Elections, and especially to turn voting booths towards polling station members and observers, which BOSS has insisted on for two decades by sending letters to international institutions. It is obvious that the transparency of elections can be ensured without changes to the Election Law, and voters are finally given the right to free choice because they prevent blackmailing of voters by the authorities.

With the financial support of the OSCE, electronic registration is possible for voting by mail or in diplomatic and consular missions, so that BiH citizens in the diaspora can use their voting right, which will significantly affect the election results.

We urge the Central Election Commision  to request financial assistance from the OSCE for the procurement of ballot scanners, so that votes are scanned immediately after each vote, which would result in accurate election results without the possibility of polling stations members committing election theft. Internet connection of scanners would give precise preliminary election results immediately after the closing of polling stations, said Mirnes Ajanović, President of BOSS.

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