u povodu 18 godina BOSS-a
Jučer je u sali Opštine Novi Grad u Sarajevu Bosanska stranka obilježila svoj 18-ti rođendan. Simbolika 9. maja, Dana pobjede nad fašizmom, kada je 1994. godine i zvanično izvršena sudska registracija BOSS-a – odredila je djelovanje svih proteklih osamnaest godina BOSS-a u beskompromisnoj borbi protiv svih vrsta nepravde, a u cilju zaštite interesa građana BiH. Osamnaest godina BOSS-a obavezuje na dosljednost dosadašnjim ciljevima borbe protiv kriminalizirane vlasti, što znači da i dalje BOSS ni po koju cijenu neće izdati interes i povjerenje građana, te da će se i dalje aktivno i uporno zalagati za socijalnu pravdu i sistem koji garantuje ravnopravnost, ekonomsku održivost i poštivanje osnovnih ljudskih prava. Demokratska borba za prava građana ne može se dobiti bez razbijanja medijske blokade djelovanja nezavisne opozicije, koja je nametnuta od strane vladajuće oligarhije, te je dužnost i građana oduzeti vlast totalitarnim političkim strankama putem demokratskih izbora, upozorio je predsjednik BOSS-a Mirnes Ajanović.
The press conference report
on the occasion of 18th anniversary of BOSS (Bosnian party)
The BOSS-Bosnian party celebrated its 18th anniversary yesterday in the hall of Novi Grad Municipality. The symbolism of 9th May, The Victory Day over Fascism, when the official registration of BOSS was performed in 1994, determined the BOSS activities throughout 18 years in an uncompromising struggle against all types of inequities, aimed at protecting the interests of BiH citizens. Eighteen years of BOSS draw commitment to the previous goals consistency in the struggle against the criminalized government, implying that BOSS in its continuity will not betray citizen interest and trust at any cost, and will actively and persistently proceed to advocate for social justice and the system which guarantees equality, economic sustainability and the respect for basic human rights. The president of BOSS Mirnes Ajanovic warned that democratic struggle for civil rights cannot be attained without abolishing the media obstruction of an independent opposition activities, which is imposed by the ruling oligarchy, thus rendering it citizens’ duty to deprive totalitarian political parties of their power by means of democratic elections.
May, 10th 2012